Can I apply for financing through BailRep without going through an agency?
Yes. You can apply directly for financing.
What is the minimum financing amount?
All financing require a minimum financed amount of $1000.
Does using BailRep affect my credit score?
o assess whether a financing offer will be made, BailRep lenders conduct a "soft credit pull" that does not impact your credit score. If you accept the financing offer, the lender will perform a "hard credit pull" to verify the information, which may slightly affect your score.
Can I have a co-signer?
Yes, our lenders offer financing with a co-signer.
What type of credit score do I need to be qualified for a loan?
BailRep works with multiple lenders who approve a broad range of credit scores, from prime to subprime. While your credit score is a key factor in evaluating your financing application, lenders also consider additional factors beyond your score when making a credit decision.
Does receiving a financing offer and accepting it mean I will get financing?
It typically does, but not always. If, during the data verification and credit report review process, certain information you provided cannot be verified or other relevant details from your credit report are discovered, the lender may rescind the financing offer.
Why didn’t I get any offers from BailRep’s lenders?
While your credit score is an important factor for BailRep lenders when evaluating your financing application, they also consider other factors, such as your existing lines of credit, when making a credit decision.
If I complete the financing agreement, how and when do I get my money?
If you accept the offer, the lender who approved your application will work with you directly to finalize the financing documents and then deposit the funds via ACH into your designated account. This typically occurs within 24 hours, allowing you to make arrangements to use your financing at the agency.
If I received a financing offer, do I have to accept it?
No. You do not have to accept the offer and can simply cancel the financing process.
What if I stop paying the lender?
The lender will contact you and attempt to collect the missed or late payment.
Does BailRep store my personal information?
BailRep stores some of your personal information but not your social security number! Your SSN is sent to our lenders for your credit evaluation and never stored in our database.